Closer To Nowhere

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"CTN is sex"-Jon

ALRIGHT Y'ALL.... we're gonna work on gettin stuff up on the sites again, so keep checkin around. We've almost used up all the space available on this site, so go to the link for the new site in the links section, cause the new stuff will be posted on there. I'll try workin on both sites: maybe changin some pictures around, doin different things, i dunno, but as we get back into the swing of things, stuff will start to pop up. so, look out! and guys (and girls) please leave us comments.  put up a guestbook on the new site so you guys can. we want to hear from you about anything, and what you want to hear from us or what you want us to do. we'll read everything from anyone, and get back to anyone who wants. and you guys know the email, so hit us up! we wont bite! thanks.
And check out acidplanet to listen to some acoustic recordings of old and new songs to hold you over until we can get this recording situation figured out.

thanks to jordan whipple for settin this site up for us