Closer To Nowhere

From CTN To You

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Hey guys. thanks for comin to our site and checkin us out. I really appreciate it, and hope you guys like the site and our music. I was just up til 4 in the morning updating this, so enjoy all the new shizzle I put up. I added this page for us to talk to you and put up whatever we may be doing as a band or individual at that time. But that being said, I'm workin on some new stuff and we have an awesome new song that just needs some lyrics. For those of you who haven't heard us in a while we prolly have at least 4 new songs you haven't heard yet, so come listen to us and hear what you've been missing. Last weekend we went to Master P's to do some recording, and I helped Craig lay down all the drum tracks to the 12 songs that will be on the first demo/CD. Jon and I will be going Friday, if all goes as planned, back to Peacock's house and finishin as many songs as possible. The CD is well underway, and I hope you guys enjoy the result, cause I'm really excited about it, even though it isn't a professional recording. If you haven't done so already, go listen to our first song, I'll Be Here, in the media section. We'll be puttin up things as time goes along, so keep checkin here, and hope to see you guys at some of our shows. Peace out.
What is up people? It's me again. Just wanted to tell you all that Jon and I are goin to record tomorrow.  We just have to throw some bass, guitar, and vocals over the drum tracks and songs will be complete. Hopefully we'll get some work done and maybe have a 4 or 5 song demo for you guys, and put the songs up here. We're also prolly gonna be takin pictures and video over the weekend, so we'll have more stuff up on our sexy selves. haha. But anyways, hope to see you all at our show saturday, get at us with anything if you want, or if you may want a few song demo. Check ya later.
Hey guys. Just wanted to let everyone know that recording didn't turned out exactly as planned on Friday night. We didn't get all the work done we had hoped, but recording can be a long, tedious process, and it's not as easy as it seems, or as we sometimes want it to be. However, we did finish Fallen Angel, and it should be up on the site soon. So, we have 2 out of 12 songs done for the cd, and hopefully we'll get more out to you guys soon. Thanks to everyone who showed up to see us yesterday at the church thingy, and to everyone else who was there. We thought the show was great and hope that everyone who saw it did too. Thanks to The Flock and everyone else who let us play, and did sound for us. I'll get back at you guys sometime soon. Keep comin back, and keep tellin people about the site and the band! Everything you guys do is much appreciated. Thanks again.
What is up people? Well, pretty cool stuff keeps on happenin, and last night was no exception. I received an e-mail from Doug, the guy who did sound for us at our gig on Saturday, saying he found some of our demos on the ground after the show (nice to see you guys want em so bad) and brought them back to his RECORDING STUDIO in clifton park. He said that it was good stuff, and he wants us to come check out the studio. So I e-mailed him back and expressed our interest in doing something, and in a couple weeks we may be recording in a studio for the first time guys. He said we could do two or three tracks, so be ready for some good'uns. Hopefully it works out and good stuff keeps on happenin. Thanks to everyone whos helped us out. Paaaayce!
Hey peeps, what's happenin? Just wanted to check in. Jon and I are probably going recording again this weekend, and will hopefully have at least one more song for you guys. I still don't have a copy of the cd with Fallen Angel on it, so when I get that the song will be put in the media section. Hopefully there will be a couple new songs for you guys by the beginning of next week, but don't quote me on that. Like I said, recording isn't as easy as it seems, and doesn't always go as planned. But we'll try and hopefully you guys will like it. If you guys hear about any new gigs or anything get a hold of one of us, cause WE NEED TO PLAY!!! Keep sendin us comments and such, and keep spreadin the word. I'm working on a new song, so maybe that will be finished in a couple days. I'll keep y'all posted. Thanks again to all you guys that come on here and that are there for us. Peace out.
Whats crackin everyone. Ha no classes today pretty much sittin on my bumsweet. Ohhh yea ASH is SEX cause shes is school and I'm not sooo thats for her. So for tommorow night were gonna record hopefully get another track done for ya its one step closer to getting our cd out. We are busting as hard as we can, Dan says it best this stuff isnt all easy. We wouldn't trade it for the world though. Guatta nobody likes you and thanks for not going recording this weekend, but there is gonna be a party after recording this saturday.  If any part of the CTN peepulation or anyone in general wants to join get ahold of us. Ohhhh yea has anyone seen BOB BARKER ?
Yeah dude, I think he lives on my floor. I just saw him run by with scuba flippers in a mickey mouse towel.
If you're like honey, then call me Winnie the Poo. Guys it's like 1:30 in the morning i just got home from cooking at the lovely Olive Garden.( I should be in bed, I need all the beauty sleep I can get) I'm sick I need some get better bear pops. Dan you we're right the new shizz is off the meat rack fantastic.So today party woohoo if I make it that far, who knows send us love on the guestbook and get ahold of me or dan cause we're gonna be around, and for us we'd be delighted to hang out with anyone.Goodnight ladies and gentlemen CTN is MATTLOCK.
                                    -Jonny the poo bear
So yeah I'm chillin between classes at school. Thought I'd come in and say that Phill Collins is on crack and is the crazziest mofo I've ever seen. He was running like a limp ape, and some fat like funky dude playing a guitar that i dont think worked was running right behind him. On another note I wish I was sleeping. So I gotta work tonight but if whipple sees this i got songs for us to put on here, so stay tuned sweethearts we got more music to come. CLOSERTONOWHEREWILLSEXYOURTOWNLIKEWOAH
and George Clooney is a dumbass
                                        -Jonny Appleseed
What's up guys? Thought I'd check back in. We have 2 more songs that will be put up in the near future; Fallen Angel, and Four Letter Word, so keep checkin in. I'll get back to you guys sometime soon. Peace Out.
Yo, yo, yo. First off, I just had a great weekend, and I hope you all did too. We got my songs notarized to be copyrighted this past Thursday, so if anyone out there tries to pass any of our songs off as your own (not that you would want to), your ass will be taken down!!!
Just to let you all know, tonight im starting a new fan/band interaction thingy. No one else knows about it yet, but I'll tell em in the morning. This is called operation "C is for cancer, thats good enough for me". Anyone who can get Craig to stop smoking will get a free demo when we record new music, and a free full-length whenever that comes out. There may be other rewards as well, but its 10:00 so I can't really think of any at the moment. And yeah, this Friday we are tentatively supposed to be playing at the pep rally at South High, so all you South Glens Fallsians can hit that up and watch us rock the F out. We may be checkin out the recording studio in Clifton Park on Saturday, so we'll let you know how that turns out. Thats about it for now, so we'll keep you guys posted.
Alright guys, all I can say is woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! first off to remind all of you, we're playing at south high this friday with the feeder dam band. and i just got a phone call tonight and now we have a show October 15 at saratoga winners. you all better be there, and we will probably be selling tickets next week, so get at us if you want some, cause im sure supplies will be limited. thats all, we'll keep you updated. rock on.
hey everyone. the show friday at south high went well. even though we didn't play very many songs, the songs we did play were rockin. thanks to everyone who showed up, and too bad for those of you that couldnt make it. jon and i just got back from getting the tickets for the show on october 15 at winners, and we have 50 to sell. the tickets will be $6 (not too expensive), and if you want any, get a hold of me, jon, or craig, and we'll get you what you need. so, keep in touch, and i want to see you all there!!
Soooo whats up? Haven't put anything up here in quite the time. I thought I'd grace you with my thoughts, like anyone gave a damn. So shit talkers make me laugh. Dan is sex, he's the best kid I know and would do anything for anyone; I've never heard Dan brag about Skidmore or even our band for that matter. So I'm just clarifying that subject matter. Friday is winners, thats pretty dope, there's gonna be more rock than a crack house. Had a camp fire with the band the other night that was pretty titty, homomobiles rock my facinity. I woke up 2 hours later with my cat on my chest my cat had a mouse in her mouth like she was proud of it I wanted to beat her with a battle axe. I'm currently addicted to to Bela Fleck. Now thats music. You should pick an album up if ya get the chance. Now that's jazz.
                                -jonny dearest
Yo yo yo. I hope you all have listened to the new clips in the media section, and that you somewhat liked them. They are nowhere near perfect, and are just one take clips, so don't base our suckiness on that. We just went Sunday night to record with Doug at his studio, katies basement studio, in Clifton Park. If anyone out there wants to record a demo (dont expect a perfect cd, but the sound is still awesome), go to the link in that section. We talked about some stuff, and he showed us some of his work, then we ran through 4 songs real quick (once each). A couple of em turned out pretty decent just by themselves (fallen angel and in memory of tomorrow), so they may be up on the site soon. Show this Friday at winners!! so don't forget. Tell everyone you know that would want to go, and if you don't have tickets just go and pay at the door. I believe it starts at 8, so be there around 7:30 to be safe. We will also have a 4 song demo thingy for sale for a few bucks (not sure how much yet), so bring more money so you can buy one! We better see you all there, keep spreadin the word, and we'll keep you posted. Peace.
Wow. Sorry guys, we havent posted in a while. Although I dont know how many of you actually read this. We've just been chillin out, nothin bug has been happenin really, which is kinda disappointing, but thats the way music goes. Thanks to all of you who came to our little acoustic show last Saturday. Good times and lots and lots of music.
We went recording again at doug's studio on Sunday, and we threw down bass and drum tracks to three or four songs. I just have to go back and throw on some guitar and vocals, and hopefully theyll sound awesome. Its not as easy as it sounds, so im not sure when the songs will be completely finshed. We'll keep you guys up on the recording situation. I just wrote a new song a couple days ago, and im extremely happy with it. Its gonna be a good one. Let us know if you hear of any shows or want us to play for any reason whatsoever, we're here for youre amusement...haha. So, we'll keep playin as long as you keep listenin, and keep comin back to check on things. Payce.
What's up guys? Sorry we haven't posted in a while. This time a really long while, seems like forever. We've all been pretty busy lately with school and work and what not, and sadly the band has kind of hit a slow spot. We haven't gone to Doug's in a few weeks cause he's been out of town on the weekends, so there wasn't much news recording wise. But, this weekend we will be going to Doug's studio on Saturday to probably lay down some more bass and drum tracks for the 5 song demo we'll be doing there. On top of that though, we're also gonna be recording at Craig's house on Cakewalk, so we can get some more songs out to you guys to hear and tell us what you think. Friday we're thinkin of lockin ourselves in Craig's basement and recording all through the day and night, to try and get a few songs out, and get them up on the site in the very near future. We just need to get the ok from Jon, who at the moment is MIA (not really, but we haven't talked to him yet). Other than that, we haven't been playin anywhere else, which sucks! So if you guys know of any places or know anyone who needs a band, don't hesitate to get ahold of us. Oh yeah, I've written a couple new songs, entitled "Only One" and "Back to You", which brings the total up to 16 i think. We've been playin "Back to You" at practices and it's sounding awesome. With some fine tuning it will be set for you guys to hear at our next show. And hopefully "Only One" will be ready as well.  Aside from that, there will be more new music to come. So, we should be gettin back to you guys in a few days with news on the recording and maybe have a couple more rough clips for you guys to listen to. Until then, keep checkin back here, and spreading the word. Also, if anyone wants or knows someone who wants one of the 4 song demo things, let us know. Peace out, and don't worry, we're not going anywhere.
Hey guys. Just wanted to check back in real quickly. Last night Craig and i were recording in his room on his computer from about 7 til about 12:30. We re-did i'll be here (added in some lead guitar, made my vocals better, and added in a little "maraca" type sound) and quickly threw together a one take acoustic of our newest song, "back to you". The take was just messing around, so it isn't anywhere near completion. We may have the new "i'll be here" up shortly, and we'll see if we can get a rough recording of "BTY" done and get that up as well in the media section. Keep checkin back, and lookin for updates. Later.
What is up? to the 3 people that read this. The three of us are sittin here in Craigs room gettin ready to record a couple acoustic tracks for y'all. Craig just informed me that he admires Captain Planets mullet, for those of you that care. Jon has to put a little bass diddy to the new verison of "I'll Be Here" we recorded on Friday. To let you guys know ahead of time, it sounds amazing. It's not completely new, just some new instruments, new vibe, same awesome song. That should be finished tonight (keep your fingers crossed) and up on the site soon for you guys to hear. Then we're gonna try to record "Back to You", and possibly a song called "When the Light Returns". Hopefully we'll get some tracks done we can get out to you guys soon, cause we know it's been a little slow lately. Keep lookin for new stuff to come, and we'll keep workin to bring you guys good music. Peace, we're out to record.
                                    - the boys of CTN
Haven't written to the loves in awhile,so here it goes. The band is recording new songs at chief running waters house, they are sounding key. I also have dropped a rap song it's I'll be here (the ghetto version). It's classic won't hear that anywhere else if you want to cop the track contact me before its platnimun and I'll be charging 20 dollars apop squirts. We got a show for lil kidlins this saturday  it's like this lil christmas party thinger for acc. It'll be fun to see thelil kidiez rockinout to the fo shizzle sounds of CTN. I wanna learn some X-mas songs for them so they have something to sing along 2. Not a lot of ppl have been checking the sight lately a few new ppl said they like us they are my new loves , but don'tforget about us, cause we're bouncing back.
I'mnotgivinguplikeyoudidonme,spacebarsareforloserj/k CTN is van dam in a street fight, just that kickass.
                                  -spongejon square pants
What's up guys? Not too much going on right now. We just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! to all of you guys and we hope each of you has a good vacation.
Hey people. Sorry, it's been a real long time since any of us has posted. I wanna start of by sayin we hope you all had great holidays. It's a new year, and we're still makin music: which is a very good thing (for us at least). I want to thank everyone who came out to the Saratoga Winners show last Sunday, it was an awesome time. And thanks to all the other bands that played before us: Fight For Your Honor, Inside Draw, and Until You Die (formerly known as Where You Stand... or as Jon and I like to say, Where's the Spam?) I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and the music, and continue to keep comin to watch us play. First order of business, we had some tee-shirt made for us that are for sale now. Get at any of us through the email or our i.m. names ( in the contact section), or call us up if you have the digits. For everyone who is wondering when the hell we're gonna have an actual short demo finished, we are too. Doug has been renovating the studio for the past month at least, and probably will for the next couple weeks. We're still in touch and he's gonna let us know soon when we can get started again. Hopefully we'll be cranking out some awesome polished tracks for you guys soon, but we'll keep you posted on that and how the process is going. The three of us are workin on some acoustic recordings ourselves on the side as well. So maybe we'll have a couple done soon for you to listen to. In the meantime, we're still practicing as much as possible (which sadly isnt that much with our schedules) and working on some new stuff. We have a couple songs in the works, and I just finished a new one last night. We're constantly lookin for places to play, whether electric or acoustic, so if you or anyone wants us to or knows where we could play, get at us one way or another. We actually may be doing an acoustic set at Jon's house on the 5th, possible with Fight For Your Honor as well, for those who want to come. We're interested in hearing what you all have to say about anything, so we want you guys to leave more comments for us and others to read in the comment box (fan page). We're gonna keep workin on makin the best music possible for you guys, and we want you to keep tellin people about the band, the site, and spreading the word. Thanks to everyone who has been and is now behind us. Peace.